San Gimignano – the Manhattan of Tuscany

Why the comparison with Manhattan? Quite simply, the skyline of San Gimignano is characterized by medieval towers, there are a total of 13 gender towers. These were built by the noble families and were considered a kind of status symbol. “Whoever has the highest tower has the highest reputation” πŸ˜‰

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Siena – the heart of Tuscany

I could only vaguely remember Siena. When I was 15, I spent a few days in Tuscany with my school class. At that time, however, my interest in medieval cities was still very limited πŸ˜‰ The only thing I remembered was the completely overpriced cappuccino at the Piazza del Campo 🀣

About 20 years later, however, this city has left a lasting impression. Not only because of its beauty and history, but also because we ate the best tiramisu there ever πŸ˜‹

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